Business Loan Financing Or How To Get Business Loans Fast?
a. Purpose
Whenever you ask for a loan, the first thing the lender will ask you will be related to the usage of the money. What are you going to use the money for? Is it for what they call treasury purposes or for capital expenditures? In very simple terms is it for daily routine necessities of the business, which can be in the form of the cash requirements for paying off day to day expenses like paying the suppliers, buying stationery, paying to the cashier, etc. or is this because you need the money to expand or grow your business, which in this case can to buy a new machine the increase your production process. One last possibility is to have some spare money aside for contingencies which means in case you need to make a large payment to replace a new machine which just broke down. One your lender is clear on how you will use your money, then one box is ticked in his scorecard or he is one step closer to the decision making procedure.
b. Lending Criteria
Obviously there is not just one type of Business Loan Financing. It all depends on different criteria the lender will consider before he can decide if yes or no he wants to give you his money. Let’s go through the main two:
1. Amount of the loan: make sure the amount looks reasonable when compared to your capital and the size of your balance sheet. You don’t want to ask for $10K if your capital is at $1K. Why? You could wonder why not after all. What difference does it make? Well there is a huge difference. The bank is going to lend you to the extend it believes you can pay back the money very easily. So if you ask for more than you can cope with in terms of making that type of revenues or having a capital that is smaller than you’re asking for, big RED WARNING signals are going to ring for them. So start small and then you can increase gradually when you have proven you are a good creditor and you make enough cash to pay them back. As remember this is what the bank is concerned ALWAYS!: can my client pay me back? You now start to understand what the key components are in a business loan financing decision process. Bear in mind that once you know all of them, you have the magic key to decide what are the best Business Finance Solutions for you and get your business loans fast.
2. Maturity: this is the second most important information the bank will take into account when they make their decision in any business loan financing transaction. Maturity of the loan means how long you want to take the loan for. A good average is 5 years. If you take a large amount of money and want to repay quicker, you will need to demonstrate that you have enough spare cash after all expenses have been taken out, to repay your loan. On the other hand, if you do go for longer than 5 years, the bank will want to get a picture of where your business will stand after that period. And if you are a small-medium sized company that has been operation of 2-3 years, this can represent a risk for the bank to give you a loan for such a long period as you don’t have enough history to back it up. So even if you have a desperate need to get financial help for business growth, bear in mind that you want to increase your probability to get your loan approved by asking the bank for a loan which will meet their lending guidelines.
c. Take Action Now
Now that you are aware of what the bank is looking for and on which lending guidelines any lender, mostly banks will base their decisions on, you have increased your success rate in having your loan approved whatever business finance solutions you opted for. GO and Get your Business Loans Fast!