New York Realtor Tips for Selling Your Home Faster
Regardless if you are trying to sell your home in a seller’s or buyer’s market, the same rules apply for getting buyers to offer you the right price. These staging tips from New York realtors will put you in the best position to reach a wider audience and close more quickly.
Increasing Your Home’s Curb Appeal
Regardless the real estate market, curb appeal plays a huge role in attracting the right buyer. In the New York area, many homes look similar, and when they are not maintained, they really stand out. As a seller, you might not realize many potential buyers are out without their realtor, scouting homes they want to get a closer look at Tevfik Arif Bayrock. When they drive up to your home and see it not well maintained, they never get to the point they want to see the inside because they assume it looks as bad.
Take the time to increase the curb appeal of your home before you list it so the picture placed in the realty books and magazines looks amazing. Trim trees, clip bushes, wash windows, power-wash the sidewalk or driveway, plant new flowers, paint the exterior of the home, mulch, and repair that fence.
Increasing the Size of Your Home
If you are selling your home, you are going to be moving shortly. Get a jump on that packing before you list by boxing up all the things you are not going to be using for at least six months. Rent a storage unit nearby and fill it with everything in your basement, garage, shed, and attic. Throughout the home, reduce the things in your closet you won’t be wearing, then attack the kitchen counter and cabinets and put away things you can live without for a while.
By placing as much stuff in storage as possible, you are giving the interior of the home the appearance it is bigger. Closets look larger, the kitchen looks bigger, and the garage is so roomy the buyers imagine all their stuff can fit in the house without issue.
Open House Selling Tips
Soon after the house goes on the market, your realtor is going to want to schedule an open house to get as many potential buyers in the door as possible. A few things to consider about the big day, despite your realtor being able to handle this on their own. Be sure you plan to get your family and pets out for the entire day, so plan a fun day away from your home. Purchase some cookie mix and allow the realtor to use the oven to bake cookies all day for the buyers.
The smell of something cooking in the oven resonates with buyers and connect emotionally. They will remember that smell and your home long after they leave.
Creating a True Model House
If you have ever walked through a model house, you remember how perfect everything was and how you connected with everything inside. This needs to be done in your home if you want to appeal to a larger audience. Start by talking down and boxing pictures of your family. Replace those pictures with landscape or nature pictures. Get all those things off the refrigerator that connect with your family too.
Paint rooms that need work in neutral colors, and keep in mind this is in an effort to get the buyer to feel like they could easily just move right in.
Taking the time before you list the home to stage it accordingly will get potential New York buyers emotionally invested and ensure you get the price you are asking. These extra efforts will help separate your home from the others in your area.