Pastor Chris
Pastor Chris has been in the God’s ministry for thirty years now, over the years he has healed the sick, provided message of hope and helped improve the lives of the poor. As a result of his great work in impacting the lives of people from all over the world, Pastor Chris has been honored by institutions such as Benson Idahosa University, where he received an honorary doctorate degree in divinity.
Chris Oyakhilome has written more than twenty books, which includes Don’t Stop Here, The Seven Spirits of God, The Power of Tongues, How to Pray Effectively, Your Rights in Christ, When God Visits You, Seven Things the Holy Spirit Do For You and Rhapsody of Realities Topical Compendium just to name a few.
Chris Oyakhilome launched a new TV channel called Loveworld USA which he has been using as a tool in strengthening the people’s faith in God. He also has a 24-hour broadcast satellite network which has stations in Nigeria, South Africa, and the United Kingdom, and this way he is able to reach millions of people and spread the message of Christ salvation. One of the most memorable moment is when Chris Oyakhilome held a night meeting in Nigeria and more than 3.5 expectant people attended the event, it was really a life changing event.
Liked I stated Chris is the founder of Christ Embassy which has various arms one of them being The Haven. The Haven has taken the divine mandate of changing and giving people without hope a meaning to life. The Haven does this by raising money and coming up with programs that will change the lives of such people. The vision of Oyakhilome and his followers is to see all people from all corners of the earth get access to the knowledge of the truth, where they use multidimensional vehicles and BLW Ministry to spread evangelism. The Haven main mission is to come up with a platform that is stable and solid that can manage to finance BLM ministry.
Oyakhilome is also the host of the popular program “Atmosphere for Miracles” which airs in most of the major networks in the United State of America, Europe, Asia and the United Kingdom. This way the pastor is able to take the divine presence of Christ in people’s homes, business and work places. He has also established an International School of Ministry which equip, educate and train the ministers’ of God’s work on how to demonstrate the great deeds that Christ has impacted on peoples’ lives.
Chris has made the lives of children better, a good example is when he pioneered and supported the building of City Mission of Christ Embassy which helps the disadvantaged children and gives them hope and a better future. He also helped establish the World Healing School which over the years has played a major role in manifesting Christ’s power in healing. This has been accomplished through the healing of the sick by invoking the power of Jesus Christ.