Top Tips for Christmas Holiday Recruitment
The Christmas season presents us with the opportunity to earn a little extra cash. Despite being a festive season, we still need to go through the usual channels of the job seeking process. Here, we have compiled a list of tips that will aid you in landing the perfect temporary job.
Tip # 1 – Ensure you get your application in early
It is always best to apply for all jobs, no matter what kind, as early as possible. Jobs that are high in demand are usually not available for very long- so it’s best to get in quick as employers often follow the “first in, first served” rule. If you need a job during the Christmas season it is strongly recommended that you begin searching weeks in advance to give you the most time to find a rewarding job.
Tip # 2 – It is best to focus on smaller businesses
Generally, it is good to consider small businesses as well as larger ones. The majority of people looking for jobs tend to focus primarily on large companies and may even forget about the smaller businesses in their local area. This inside tip will not only increase your chances of landing that temporary job but may get you working that little bit sooner. Big businesses have a large number of employees, a much larger number than these smaller businesses. Therefore, small businesses require manpower and subsequently there are an increasing number of vacancies in these smaller companies.
Tip # 3 – It’s always wise to talk to friends and family
It’s important to remember that your friends and family have contacts too. Check in with them and see if they know of any vacant positions or any local businesses looking for temporary employees. Friends and family may also make landing a job easier as they may know the staff or employers of these businesses
Tip # 4 – Remember to update your CV
Your CV represents you, your strengths and your accomplishments. It also shows potential employers what you will bring to their team (even if it is only a temporary job!). A ‘universal’ CV that you simply send on mass to a number of businesses will not give you the same chance at landing a job that a more personal one will. Therefore, we recommend that you modify your CV to fit the particular job you are applying for by having a look at the mission statements of each individual business. Have a look at what they are looking for and they want in their employees. Different businesses look for different things in their employees so ensure your CV emphasizes these qualities. It has been proven that applicants with more ‘personalised’ CVs actually have a greater chance of landing a job than applicants who send the same CV to many potential employers.
Tip # 5 – Ensure that you are prepared to commit
A lot of businesses that are in search of potential employers, especially around the Christmas period look one thing above all others- and that is commitment. These employers are looking for people who are willing to work throughout Christmas with perhaps a day or two off. Many workers may take time off over this period to spend with family or go on holiday leaving their employers in desperate search of temporary staff. It is around these times that these employers look for solid commitment rather than exceptional skill.
Tip # 6 – Be a fast learner
Employers require applicants of temporary positions to be quick learners. Employers are looking for temporary staff and do not want to be continuously showing people what to do in a temporary job- if you are a quick learner then you will stand out from the crowd. Employers only want to show you how to do something once so that they can continue their busy schedules with minimal interruption. If you are a bit of a slow learner or are having to cope with a large amount of information, then don’t be afraid of taking notes during your induction for later reference.
Tip # 7 – Be professional
Whether you are applying for a professional job or just a temporary one, be professional in all aspects of your job. Employers are looking for those who will maintain a high level of professionalism in their job- show them that you can be professional during your interview with them through your words and actions. You don’t need to use ‘big’ words to show you are professional, just be responsible, be yourself and show your potential employer that you have the approach and the positive attitude of a professional.
Follow these simple tips and you will stand out from other applicants and increase your chance of being selected to fulfill your preferred position.